How to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in Tech

A lot of times I was asked how I keep myself updated with the latest trends in Tech especially related to Javascript Frameworks by my peers, manager and also in the interviews.



How to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in Tech

A lot of times I was asked how I keep myself updated with the latest trends in Tech especially related to Javascript Frameworks by my peers, manager and also in the interviews.

I have heard this lot of times on One on One meetings with my manager that many of my team members admire the way I keep myself updated on tech and is very keen to learn new things and use them in the project. This gives me the motivation on doing things right and I have a habit of sharing those with all of my teammates.

Staying updated on tech has enabled me to take the right decisions on the tech stack of the project I’m building or suggesting to anyone. Because I know a lot of pros and cons of languages, frameworks and at what place one framework would work best.

For example you can read this article I posted on Webcomponent which describes why I took the decision on building a web component for a part of the current project I’m working on.

Today I want to share my strategy and steps to keep myself updated. I follow the below steps to keep myself updated.

  • I use this extension on my Google Chrome browser. The best thing I have found to date in Google extensions. It fetches articles from various sources and shows it to your browser whenever you open a new tab. You don't need to visit any website or newsletters.

  • Newsletters I have subscribed to a lot of different topics of newsletters such as Javascript, Web3, Blockchain, ReactJS, NextJS etc on Hackernoon, Medium and Hashnode.

  • Youtube Youtube is my other Go app in terms of updates, I have subscribed to a lot of developers and technologists who share things regularly. Youtube always keep me busy and updated whenever I’m in the washroom 🙈.

    Here are some channels I follow:

  • Official Blogs I keep a close eye on official docs of frameworks that I’m currently working on or learning. I regularly check what additions they have made to their docs.


As a developer, it is very necessary to be updated on the current trends. Try to follow the above steps and keep yourself updated so that you will always be ahead of time and can take decisions on tech for your projects very cleverly. You can check what my peers and managers have said about me here

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